
I'm going to make it a promise to come back to my writing journey in 2025. I feel like my mind and soul has finally taken the time it needed to start its healing journey. 
          	Tell me, what's been your highlight of 2024 and what's one thing your going to do in 2025.


I'm going to make it a promise to come back to my writing journey in 2025. I feel like my mind and soul has finally taken the time it needed to start its healing journey. 
          Tell me, what's been your highlight of 2024 and what's one thing your going to do in 2025.


Hi Everyone, 
          Before I get into my post I wanted to apologize for going MIA, life and it's never ending battles of grief really did a number on me this year. I've lost two huge people in my life and have been struggling to come to terms with not being able to call them, see them and the harsh reality that they have been called back home, to the Kingdom in the sky.  
          Writing has always been my safe place but during my grief I've not been able to find the words to write any of my stories. Everything I've jotted down feels forced and emotionless. I want to finish the stories that I've promised but I fear the reality of who I am now and who I was when I was writing them are two very different people. 
          2024, I am hoping to start something new, a new story or a revision of something old. I'm sorry that the projects I'd started are going to be left unfinished  
          Happy Belated Christmas and I hope everyone has a spectacular and beautiful New Year's 


@i_am_music_criticism Slowly getting better with every day. I hope your doing well. 


I'm thinking about starting a new project, something fun and quirky - maybe even a little different to what I've previously written. 
          The concept as of right now would be "Letter's to my ex lovers" Each Chapter would be a new letter to an ex lover, saying everything that went wrong, what went right and then why things ended' 
          Sounds like a fun distraction and idea to me but let me know your thoughts? 


@ Charlotte_Daniels  i would definitely read it, sounds like an amazing idea ❤️


Hi, Hello, Bonjour... 
          That feels weird to type, to even start a 'hello' message. I'm not even sure what I am going to say in this post, only that I really should say something. Life really is too short and we all have to grasp opportunities at the horns. Fight that bear so to speak. I've been staring at the blank screen of a chapter for weeks and still I don't have that spark of inspiration that I once had. I don't know if this is a forever thing or something that will come back to me in due time. I fear that I have lost the creativity spark for writing my current 'unfinished' works and not only writing but to be able to finish the trilogy that I had once promised. I've never been one to break my word. But as I yet again look at the wordless page I needed to confess, I might not ever be able to finish the 'Our Secret Dream' Trilogy. That pains me to put to virtual paper. 
          I hope you all understand and deep down I think I just need to give myself some more time to heal and my overthinking brain is working overdrive but I couldn't keep sitting behind the screen without saying anything. 
          I appreciate, care and respect you all and you deserve to hear from me and see what's happening in my world.
          Talk to ya'll soon! 


Hi Everyone, 
          It's been a long while. I wasn't sure when I would be back or if I would have it in my heart to write again and in a way I still don't have the answers. For the past year my family has been supporting my father who had been very sick, after a while I needed a mental break from everything including writing - I felt that eventually I would be able to step back into the world of creativity but yesterday, my father sadly passed. My heart is full of pain right now and I'm not in any place to return and attempt to write Happy-Romantic stories. I know this isn't the update many of you were expecting but I have to look out for me and my family. I hope you can understand and maybe you'll all be here when I get back and am able to write. 
          Until I can put my pen back against the page I am over and out! 
          Love, Char.


@ Charlotte_Daniels   my deepest condolences on your loss, I know that I can't write anything right now to help your grieving.. but I will let you know that I'm here if you need to talk to someone and I will be here when you return.. just take your time and heal as much as you need to.. sending warm hugs and prayers and lots of love your way❤️


@Charlotte_Daniels I'm so sorry, hun. That's  devastating and I'm so sorry for your loss. I know he is probably smiling down at you from heaven and wanting you to know that good, bright days are still ahead. I lost my little brother a couple years ago and the grief was a heavy, heavy feeling. Just know you are going to get through this and he is always, always with you in your heart ❤️


2022 was supposed to be the year I finished the 'Our Secret Dream' Trilogy but call it writer's block or simply my brain and heart not wanting the story to end I haven't been able to decide on the perfect ending. For three, nearly four years I have been writing this series and deep down I know I am not ready to say Goodbye. Not to me Skylar. The female lead that holds so much of my soul. 
          I appreciate the patience and I know it's not been fun for everyone whilst I have been silent and inactive. I'd love to be able to give you a date of when I will have something to release but I don't want to give any false promises. So instead I will leave you with this - I will be finishing the series and I will give our girl justice - it's just going to take some time. 
          I appreciate all the support and understanding it means the world. 
          I do have a question though - if you could pick another boy name or girl name for Sky and Bryan what would you pick? I have the names all secured but I am interested in what you guys think.


@ Charlotte_Daniels  well if it was a girl i would call her Lily or gabby shorts for Gabriella.. if it was a boy Elliott or Marcus 


          Things as well know haven’t been easy, priorities have had to be changed and self reflection has become a MUST. i might not be 1000% back but I am for sure feeling well enough to release something. Keep your eye’s peeled- new chapter(s) coming soon. 


It’s been forever since I posted or even gave an update and I’m still not in a place where I can put to paper what I am feeling all I do know is I’m not ready to come back and write yet. I need more time. Please be patient with me I appreciate each and everyone of you and I will never have enough words to express it but thank-you. 
          I promise I will be back. 


@ Charlotte_Daniels  exactly, but we still need to do it at our own pace.. we need to remember to breath and not stress and fuzz about anything 


@Justsimplylulu Thanks, sometimes we need reminders from God's angels to help us remember that there is a light in all of this.


@ Charlotte_Daniels  take your time sweety, don't worry about it.. we will be here when you come back and are ready.. remember, god gives his strongest battles to his strongest people because he knows they can get through it ❤️