I have English Homework and an Assignment! Imma cry rn! OH, and Mondays my Birthday so that's great. I won't be online tomorrow because my two besties are taking me to dinner :) I have such wonderful friends, they agreed to feed me lol
+once my dog pissed on my cousin's shoe she is about 5 years old and she always plays online games with me at the week ends and i had to wash them good thing i have alexa cuz i was home alone in the house with my cousin + whenever she was hungry i had to cook her favorite's pasta and uh had to trained my dog to potty trained and now he is like a police dog now
Ok Guys, I have some things to say.
1. Thank you for following me :) If I progress into a pro writer on wattpad I'll be thanking you for following me first
2. Feel free to conversate on here. It's a free and safe environment
3. I'll be working on a story including some LGBTQ+ characters
4. We can all be friends :)