
Sorry to anyone who has messaged this account over the past few years (I know, a long time) I’ve actually moved account as my writing style is quite different now but as people seemed to be enjoying Perfect Evil still I didn’t want to remove it. My new account is @PurelySemantics if you’re interested in contacting me for anything ☺️


Sorry to anyone who has messaged this account over the past few years (I know, a long time) I’ve actually moved account as my writing style is quite different now but as people seemed to be enjoying Perfect Evil still I didn’t want to remove it. My new account is @PurelySemantics if you’re interested in contacting me for anything ☺️


Well, if you couldn't tell already I really haven't posted on here for a while. A quick update is that I am currently rewriting Perfect Evil because I love the story line but hate the way I wrote it. I will be keeping up the old version anyway. That's about it really, I'm not sure if any of my followers actually know that I still exist but ah well, here's an update anyway so everyone knows I'm still alive haha.


HI Emma can check out my short Story titled The NEw I'm sure you will like it.


Sorry, I find it quite rude when people request reads without someone stating they take reading requests. And I personally don't take reading requests.


Ikr, they are amazing :D