
Hey guys please I have a question to ask.
          	Do I have to upgrade to Wattpad premium to get reads for my book or what, please i need help.


Greetings and salutations... (well, that’s a bit formal, ) Thanks so much for the follow, love! I really like your “about me” info.  I hope all
          is well in your area of the world. 


@CorneredBarbie Lol. Good to hear! But boring is better than scary or unsafe, right? If you've happened to read any of my word (You are by no means obliged to do so. Lol.) I'd love to know what you thought! And I'd be so appreciative if you'd either pm me, or comment! 
            Do you have any works of your own that are finished yet? I see you have two WIP's on here. Lol.


@Consulting_Artist  I'm fine how about you, you're a pretty cool, I like your person 
            I hope you're safe, my area of the world is pretty boring but safe


Hey people, how's y'all feeling today, I've been pretty offline but I missed all of you.
          I'm making this announcement today because I need help.
          Someone told me if I keep announcing my stories I'll never get views and be,I've been wondering if this is true I know this sounds stupid and ridiculous but I need you all to try our my stories and tell me what you think if you think it's boring tell me it's  boring,if I need to be more romantic,if my vocabulary is bad,if you think my books are cool and most importantly,if you think I'm not making sense or if I am not.
          I won't lie 
          People keep telling me I'm wasting my time