
progress update on desiderium!
          	firstly, i'd like to apologize for the extremely slow updates lately... not only have i've been very busy with school (when have i not ;-;), i've also been stuck in writer's block. i've already written one or two chapters, i just haven't edited it yet but i'll try my best to continue! also, reading through all the comments, i'm sorry that the reader is seen as a weak character and it's not what some of you like it to be TT (there are some contradicting characteristics about her too T^T)
          	also, idk if some of you heard about the latest interview with akutami, but one spoiler that caught my attention is a tiny bit similar to the reader's past in desiderium which was...coincidental to say the least (it will be revealed later in desiderium)??? it was kinda freaky tho ngl lol
          	anyways, that's all from me! again, i apologize for the lack of updates and i'll do my best to complete the story soon! remember to take care of yourself and stay healthy <3
          	- charminglysplendid


@pisdatart your comment has honestly made my day, especially since it wasn’t going well! thank you so much for enjoying the story and understanding my unfortunately busy schedule :( i’m about to head into spring break in three weeks so hopefully i can ease back into writing the book again❤️


hii! i was seeing u talking about being busy with ur exams and stuff and that’s totally understandable but idk if it’s me but i was just wondering what happened to ur gojo fanfic? i really loved it so i was just curious what happened haha. but hopefully you are doing well:)


@its1ggy i feel so much better with your kind and understanding words! and thank you for taking your time to ask me❤️


@CharminglySplendid ahh that’s understandable people can be unnecessarily rude sometimes:( i really enjoyed the story and hopefully you are ok!:)


Just wanted to say I love your Gojo story!I think you write his character perfectly! Also, I hope that your exams are going well, I'm just finishing up mine and it's such a hassle. 


ahhh ty!! yes, my final exam is the very last session tomorrow and after that i’m graduating in less than a week!! but thank you so much! i feel for everyone’s frustrations reading through my gojo fanfic sometimes bc of how annoying and rude he can be but i’m just trying to stick to his canonical character lol i hope your exams are going smoothly tho❤️


Hii i’m french (so sorry for my bad english) i just wanted to say that your writing is SO GOOD and your stories are AWESOME.Everytime i saw a notification about the update of your story, i rush to read it and i know that i will have a good day. Thank you so much and i can’t wait for the next chapter !!!!


hello!! omg thank you so much for reading my story! it really makes my day that you appreciate my writing especially when i’ve been thinking it’s kinda repetitive if that makes sense lol thank you sm tho dear❤️


progress update on desiderium!
          firstly, i'd like to apologize for the extremely slow updates lately... not only have i've been very busy with school (when have i not ;-;), i've also been stuck in writer's block. i've already written one or two chapters, i just haven't edited it yet but i'll try my best to continue! also, reading through all the comments, i'm sorry that the reader is seen as a weak character and it's not what some of you like it to be TT (there are some contradicting characteristics about her too T^T)
          also, idk if some of you heard about the latest interview with akutami, but one spoiler that caught my attention is a tiny bit similar to the reader's past in desiderium which was...coincidental to say the least (it will be revealed later in desiderium)??? it was kinda freaky tho ngl lol
          anyways, that's all from me! again, i apologize for the lack of updates and i'll do my best to complete the story soon! remember to take care of yourself and stay healthy <3
          - charminglysplendid


@pisdatart your comment has honestly made my day, especially since it wasn’t going well! thank you so much for enjoying the story and understanding my unfortunately busy schedule :( i’m about to head into spring break in three weeks so hopefully i can ease back into writing the book again❤️