
Hey guys my friend @DelvechioJones has his first fanfic out so go read in did the art


@Charshallfan pls update worthless D;


@Charshallfan can you plz update but I like my hair


Hey chatshallfan my name brandon and I love your story's well mostly the marshall X chase and kion x kovu story's but that's beside the point I'm one of the supporters for LGBTQIA+ and being one of the many options I come out as one of these well maybe two but still anyways I love you story's hope maybe you can keep posting the kion x kovu or marshall x chase story's because I love those two ships and writing about one right know and I'll give you a gust which ship I ship the most but hope we can be friend and you'll read my story to ehen you are ready.
          From: @kionxkobu4life (I misspelled kovu and I'm unable to change it lol)


Are you not writing anymore? That would be a real shame. I read “worthless” and it was really good, maybe one day you will come back and finish it


@Atlas_Falling yeah i hope he does too if not i hope i can finish it.....


Just saying to SOME PEOPLE don't like my books don't read them u give warning ,I say it will happen in the description and u tag these things and I promise NEVER TO DELETE A STROY JUTS EDIT SPaG (Spelling Punctuation and Grammar)