Greetings my name is Chase you probably already know that though so let's move on. First of all just so you know I am very negative so if you don't like that then no one is forcing you to keep on reading this so you may move on. Second of all I don't give a fuck I will do as I wish I don't recommend you try to stop me. Third I am not very humorous I only laugh at one thing witch is poor simple retarded idiots. Fourth don't try to bring me down because its just not possible for you to do so I am not the type of person that will even give a single fuck about what you say if you do then congrats you and me now are true enemies and I'll make sure you drown under your own hate and depression. Also I do not care if you try to increase my positivity I will allow it and I will not ignore you I mean you would kinda be wasting your time because you won't achieve it I guarantee you but if you do or if you even make me laugh I'll tell you know you are doing something right. Lastly if you might be wondering about my negativity I will just say it is because I am not growing up with the family you would think you might say we all some kind of positivity in us well I locked it up in a cage and it's surrounded by flames and with all that said good day.
  • The Depths Of The Unknown...
  • JoinedJanuary 27, 2016