
Can we talk about Glee fro a second?
          	I know it ended years ago but I still have a lot to say. I was listening to some Glee covers on shuffle and “It’s All Over” came on. It’s the song that plays when Mercedes decides to leave Glee.
          	Honestly, after years of being ignored and only taken into consideration when someone needs to wail the last note and then go back to blend in the background, I too would feel unmotivated and angry. They tried to make Mercedes look bad and lazy but I tried to put myself in her shoes: everyone in Glee recognizes that her and Rachel are on the same level talent-wise, but Mr. Schue only gives Rachel the chance to shine, with only a few exceptions (Tina in season 1 and Quinn/Santana for sectionals in season 2). 1/2


Remember how Rachel reacted both times? She stormed out or started complaining, demeaning the talent of other members and Will let her get away with it so many times (he literally didn’t do anything when she sent a girl to a crackhouse because she didn’t want to share the spotlight). But now, instead of taking Mercedes aside and trying to resolve the issue like a decent adult, Schue just pushes her and threatens to kick her out, something he never did to Rachel.
          	  Mercedes is right! Where is Rachel? Finn tries to defend her by saying that she practices on her own (and I believe him, I’m not by any means saying that Rachel is lazy), but this is part of the problem. Everyone else, even those who didn’t need to be there, attended the dancing lessons except for Rachel because they are a TEAM. Rachel actively berates and considers the others as “less talented”, she expects a solo every week and doesn’t try to be part of the team yet she is rewarded by Mr. Schue every time she acts like a brat. 
          	  This attempt at vilifying Mercedes was just put into place to make her look bad next to Rachel, but it was perfectly justified: had I been in Mercedes’ place I would have stopped trying long ago! 2/2


Can we talk about Glee fro a second?
          I know it ended years ago but I still have a lot to say. I was listening to some Glee covers on shuffle and “It’s All Over” came on. It’s the song that plays when Mercedes decides to leave Glee.
          Honestly, after years of being ignored and only taken into consideration when someone needs to wail the last note and then go back to blend in the background, I too would feel unmotivated and angry. They tried to make Mercedes look bad and lazy but I tried to put myself in her shoes: everyone in Glee recognizes that her and Rachel are on the same level talent-wise, but Mr. Schue only gives Rachel the chance to shine, with only a few exceptions (Tina in season 1 and Quinn/Santana for sectionals in season 2). 1/2


Remember how Rachel reacted both times? She stormed out or started complaining, demeaning the talent of other members and Will let her get away with it so many times (he literally didn’t do anything when she sent a girl to a crackhouse because she didn’t want to share the spotlight). But now, instead of taking Mercedes aside and trying to resolve the issue like a decent adult, Schue just pushes her and threatens to kick her out, something he never did to Rachel.
            Mercedes is right! Where is Rachel? Finn tries to defend her by saying that she practices on her own (and I believe him, I’m not by any means saying that Rachel is lazy), but this is part of the problem. Everyone else, even those who didn’t need to be there, attended the dancing lessons except for Rachel because they are a TEAM. Rachel actively berates and considers the others as “less talented”, she expects a solo every week and doesn’t try to be part of the team yet she is rewarded by Mr. Schue every time she acts like a brat. 
            This attempt at vilifying Mercedes was just put into place to make her look bad next to Rachel, but it was perfectly justified: had I been in Mercedes’ place I would have stopped trying long ago! 2/2


A volte le persone non capiscono l'importanza dei libri nella vita di una persona. I libri sanno strapparmi un sorriso, sanno farmi piangere e sanno persino farmi ridere. Mi fanno vedere cose scontate da una prospettiva completamente diversa. I libri hanno cambiato la mia vita molto più di certe persone che dicevano di tenere a me. Ho vissuto con i personaggi e li ho amati e odiati quando mi facevano provare emozioni che non non avrei mai pensato di provare per qualcosa di fantastico, fittizio. Eppure, come disse Albus Silente, anche se succede nella mia testa non lo rende meno reale. I libri mi hanno resa una persona migliore e di cui sono fiera.  Mi hanno insegnato ad ascoltare, ad osservare e a pensare con la mia testa. Non so chi sarei adesso se non avessi i libri nella mia vita, ma sono sicura che non sarei ciò che sono ora...


Mi fa piacere sapere che qualcuno la pensa come me!


@ aNightingale15  Hai ragione...