@XadIAnFrUitS oOoOoOohHhHh InTeReStInG..... okay so I love them all, and I can't choose just one so here are my favs 1 thu 4
1. Adrienette (but I only like the fanfic kind cuz the show is too.. *sighs* .... too much second-hand embarrassment...... *sighs once again*...)
2. Marichat (still, I like the fanfic kind for the same reasons)
3. LADYNOIR!! (it used to be my top fav, but since they ended the ship in the show, I was so pissed off and sad, but I just had to move on)
4. lAdRiEn (my least fav, I don't even ship it's just so weird to have a girl playing the knight in shining armor role while the boy just be chillin, ya know?)