Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!! Exams are so stressful I swear down!!! I'm going to fail so bad!!!!! Like why do we have to learn freaking quotes for english literature when I'm never going to use them quotes in my future!!! Freaking Macbeth with his 'so foul and fair a day I have not seen' and Sherlock's 'It's simplicity itself' why do I need this!!!!
Science is brutal!! ISTG!! I've been given 6 pieces of homework!! 2 online homework from each of my teachers, exam questions from period 6 and now two exam papers that I have to complete!! Like what is this!!
I wanna cry T^T I have to stay back after school everyday for revision lessons. Every year 11 has to do it but I just want to go home and sleep!! T^T I guess Wednesday's okay since I'm doing art.
@BeautifulBelladonna0 no I don't think so... Im currently 15 and I'm doing my GCSEs at the end of the year and since I live in England I don't think they're the same
When you're having a 'fight' with your friend don't blatantly ignore them and then talk with someone you know they don't particularly like, my friend did to me. It freaking hurts ya know!
@-hopeforhobi- I mean I'll try but it's so hard and I'm like shattered but my mind is like paranoid and I just can't sleep T^T I really want to though l T^T