✨Timachu is an okay PoKe'MoN ✨

I ship too many things, like it's ridonk-idonk. I ship Sky_Owner, Rax/Moss/MithRoss ( whatever Max x Ross is ), RyanayR? ( Ryan x Other Ryan from 8-BitGaming ), Rubberbang, Egobang, Septiplier, Munchingcomics, Skyzan ( Adam x Max), Timzan ( TimTim x Max), Rim/RossdotTV (Tim-Tim x Ross), SkyDotTV (Adam x Tim), and Pewdiecry. Yeah, that's a lot. I also love to draw and write, obvs.
I'm also a total fangirl. I fangirl over so many people. Game Grumps especially. They are my senpoos. Ross is second best.

Fanfic is what I specialize in, and I enjoy reading them too. ❤
@SkyDoesMe is a good pal o' mine :3

Best Quote:
"If I were gay, which I'm not, but if I were, which I ain't, I'd fuck a guy, but I won't, cuz I'm not gay." -Matt, 2017
  • North Carolina
  • انضمDecember 25, 2015


الرسالة الأخيرة
Cheela_writes Cheela_writes Jan 18, 2017 01:58AM
I AM NOT DEAD-- surprisingly. XDMy laptop went and died on me, but I return on a new laptop : 3Still not sure when I will update things, but be patient with me XP
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