
(TW: cancer/illness/death)
          	I have a lot of great news I'll share soon! I'll give you all updates this weekend and hopefully get back on track! I'm just so sorry--I've been dealing with the sudden death of my aunt and trying to be with my grandpa, who has stage 4 metastatic liver cancer. My brain's been a lot of places, and I'm behind on some stuff here--I promise I'll get to everything today and tomorrow. It's just hard to see the people you love be in pain. F*ck cancer. All my homies hate cancer. 
          	I'm super sorry if that's TMI--I've just been out of it the last few weeks, and want to justify that absence (even though I know I don't need to lol). In the last three years I've lost five close family members, and now six; likely soon seven--so it's been a lot of death happening. I don't even have a large family, lol.
          	One of my favorite artists, Afrooj Aftab, just came out with a beautiful album titled "Love in Exile" with two other amazing artists. I don't know Urdu, but it's gorgeous, and has been wonderful in helping tease out loss and pain. Highly recommend.
          	Her other album, "Vulture Prince," was released right as I lost my Aunt Tara to COVID--and her piece Mohabbat was so comforting. If you're looking for something new to listen to, def check out her stuff. It's simple and a bit experimental but so good. I don't know what she's saying, but I *feel* it. 
          	Here's a related snippet of a poem about the day after death, or something like that:
          	The cats will caw like crows and drag their tongues/
          	along the hollowed bowls and I will stare indisposed/
          	and mouth apologies to them as the dust settles/
          	between the grooves of my fingers and toes.
          	Anyway, better news to come very soon. I hope you're all well <3


Hope the healing goes well for you and the fam! Take care~


Prayers for you and your family ❤️‍


(TW: cancer/illness/death)
          I have a lot of great news I'll share soon! I'll give you all updates this weekend and hopefully get back on track! I'm just so sorry--I've been dealing with the sudden death of my aunt and trying to be with my grandpa, who has stage 4 metastatic liver cancer. My brain's been a lot of places, and I'm behind on some stuff here--I promise I'll get to everything today and tomorrow. It's just hard to see the people you love be in pain. F*ck cancer. All my homies hate cancer. 
          I'm super sorry if that's TMI--I've just been out of it the last few weeks, and want to justify that absence (even though I know I don't need to lol). In the last three years I've lost five close family members, and now six; likely soon seven--so it's been a lot of death happening. I don't even have a large family, lol.
          One of my favorite artists, Afrooj Aftab, just came out with a beautiful album titled "Love in Exile" with two other amazing artists. I don't know Urdu, but it's gorgeous, and has been wonderful in helping tease out loss and pain. Highly recommend.
          Her other album, "Vulture Prince," was released right as I lost my Aunt Tara to COVID--and her piece Mohabbat was so comforting. If you're looking for something new to listen to, def check out her stuff. It's simple and a bit experimental but so good. I don't know what she's saying, but I *feel* it. 
          Here's a related snippet of a poem about the day after death, or something like that:
          The cats will caw like crows and drag their tongues/
          along the hollowed bowls and I will stare indisposed/
          and mouth apologies to them as the dust settles/
          between the grooves of my fingers and toes.
          Anyway, better news to come very soon. I hope you're all well <3


Hope the healing goes well for you and the fam! Take care~


Prayers for you and your family ❤️‍


I was sooo sad to see your book didn’t advance to next round, especially when I saw a few books advance where the quality of writing was significantly lower than yours. Blackbeards ghost is another I was shocked to see not advance.
          I’m hoping you plan to finish this story - selfishly. Just sending some positive vibes as you are so talented. Hoping you’re doing something fun and amazing this weekend. 


@Benhauthor Oh and I'm definitely wrapping up Paradise! It's been a ton of fun to write haha. So no worries :D


@Benhauthor Thank you so much! I'm super disappointed by the results; there were so many fantastic books (many of my favorites) that didn't progress either. The judges were super inconsistent with their judging--but I'm 80% sure I know why my story didn't progress (and I'll make an announcement on it in a few hours). Who is Blackbeard's Ghost by? I'm always up to checking out more fantastic ONC pieces haha
            Thank you! I've really needed the positive vibes; I accept them graciously LMAO  I'm looking forward to checking out more of Merlin soon and getting back to you on my story! I skipped a chapter again smh


Paradise won 1st place for Best Cover in the Ambrosia Awards!
          Over My Dead Body won 1st place for short story in the Sapphire Awards! Woot. 
          The first draft of OMDB is still up, but the 2nd draft should be posted very soon (within the next week or so) so feel free to check it out when it's up! I'll probably put up some of my other short stories soon, too--they're more weird and queer (in both terms of the word lol) and experimental. Lately I've been writing a lot about ghosts. I think it's because I've lost a lot of family the last few years (and the world has experienced a lot of loss, too.) I write a lot about apocalypses (and that was my thesis research), since hey--we're living in one lol.
          Also, I'm 3/4s the way through judging the "Best First Chapter" in the Ambrosia Awards! Just two more to go. 
          Stay well everybody!  <3


Hey everyone! 
          I've won 1st place in Best Protagonist for the Ambrosia Awards!  I'm so glad that Iris is coming off as a strong character haha. 
          Also, a big batch of updates (and responding comments!) will be coming tomorrow. Woot! 
          Last update for tonight: I'm halfway through judging the "Best First Chapter" in the Ambrosia Awards! I've been reading a ton of amazing work; it's been a pleasure to judge so far!
          Stay well! :D


A very delayed thank you so much @bloodypunkk @Benhauthor @OloosDomain! :D


@Cheerful_Abyss Congratulations!!! All that hard work paying off!


I agree - iris is pretty bad A


 Hey there you are requested to complete your payment so that we could start judging  for your book  in genre for romance and congratulations for winning  in best protagonist  


@v_r_u_s_h_a_l_i My bad! I totally forgot; apologies--I'll get right on that. Thank you so much for the reminder! (And thanks for the congrats lol)


Hey everyone! (continued) apologies on delays to responding to comments and things; I just love Life™ getting in the way of schedules lol. I will get back to everyone within the next few days! Just bear with me 
          With that being said, I'm about to publish the next chapter to Paradise! Get ready for some storms :D


@Cheerful_Abyss Life likes to do that, doesn't it?


Hey everyone! Major apologies for delays all around in responses and such; I'm getting back to everyone (thanks to @DreamlandCommunity for book of the week! I've already gotten so much amazing feedback :D).
          As far as why responses are/will be slow--my mother was in the hospital and nearly died due to complications with anesthesia for a colonoscopy. The anesthesia went to her heart, and she had acute aspiration. Two nurses treated her improperly (each for a separate reason) and extended/worsened her conditions/near-death. Thankfully she's fine now, but please be safe out there guys--greedy hospitals are overworking their staff, and people are needlessly dying because of it :/ Make sure that if any family/you are sick to have people nearby to back you up and be your proxy, because they may mess up. Don't trust that you will be in good hands. 
          In better fun news, if you're a fan of Twister (the movie--one of my faves ❤️), you might enjoy chapters 6-7 of Paradise--and later chapters for sure lol. Here's a brief excerpt from Ch. 6:
          "“Focus on my voice.” Riel whispers. He’s a light in the dark, quiet in this chaos. He drops his head a little, and I feel his lips and nose on the back of my head. It tickles. His wings tighten. Hold. Protect. For a moment, I’m calm.
          And then the roof rips off the building."
          Stay well! <3


@breathes_oxygen Thank you so much; I appreciate the well wishes. She's thankfully doing much better ❤️ I'll be getting back to your story Tuesday most likely! I've just been so behind haha.


@Cheerful_Abyss Take care. That's a terrible thing to happen with your mother. I hope she is doing much better now ❤️


Just a personal note to say thank your for your detailed review! And for catching the spots I hoped you would. And for ones I didn't know were there, like cap of Mermaid :)  I really look forward to working with you. And I'd love to come to an agreement that we can just  move forward reviewing future chapters as time permits. Sometimes I can't sleep at night and I'll jump on reviews fast as a result. But no pressure from me. I think at a minimum we want to make sure all appropriate chapters are reviewed before each ONC deadline with some time for feedback and reworks. I might reach out to you here from time to time with a spefcific question if that's ok. Super excited you want to work with me. Best!


@Benhauthor Absolutely! I'm glad I caught some stuff; we always need another pair of eyes on work haha! And absolutely agreed with the agreement--this week has been a bit delayed, but I'll always get to the chapters within the week! If you have any specific questions when going into the ONC week, please let me know--it's helpful for me to keep in mind as I give feedback too! Thank you for all of your help as well; it's been fantastic! I'll be reading more of Merlin very soon. Cheers :D