(TW: cancer/illness/death)
I have a lot of great news I'll share soon! I'll give you all updates this weekend and hopefully get back on track! I'm just so sorry--I've been dealing with the sudden death of my aunt and trying to be with my grandpa, who has stage 4 metastatic liver cancer. My brain's been a lot of places, and I'm behind on some stuff here--I promise I'll get to everything today and tomorrow. It's just hard to see the people you love be in pain. F*ck cancer. All my homies hate cancer.
I'm super sorry if that's TMI--I've just been out of it the last few weeks, and want to justify that absence (even though I know I don't need to lol). In the last three years I've lost five close family members, and now six; likely soon seven--so it's been a lot of death happening. I don't even have a large family, lol.
One of my favorite artists, Afrooj Aftab, just came out with a beautiful album titled "Love in Exile" with two other amazing artists. I don't know Urdu, but it's gorgeous, and has been wonderful in helping tease out loss and pain. Highly recommend.
Her other album, "Vulture Prince," was released right as I lost my Aunt Tara to COVID--and her piece Mohabbat was so comforting. If you're looking for something new to listen to, def check out her stuff. It's simple and a bit experimental but so good. I don't know what she's saying, but I *feel* it.
Here's a related snippet of a poem about the day after death, or something like that:
The cats will caw like crows and drag their tongues/
along the hollowed bowls and I will stare indisposed/
and mouth apologies to them as the dust settles/
between the grooves of my fingers and toes.
Anyway, better news to come very soon. I hope you're all well <3