
Lol we're lazy butts :'D -Tam


Hey mon amis Mani here! Two things: First of all, Tam (finally xD) updated Supernatural World! Go read if you haven't already! (It includes my awesome (if I say so myself xD) pancakes!)
          Second: Tam started writing the next chapter of A New Note but due to computer troubles, she doesn't know when she can post it .-. but stick with us! We've gone through all this before and we're still updating so you should know by now that we'll pull through!
          Anyway, that's all for now! Au revoir! - Mani


Okay, so I think I should tell laptop broke about two weeks ago and I'm in the middle of watching anime. :/ I know but when I'm not watching it I will be able to update Supernatural World. I'm a little stuck on what to do but I will find something eventually! :D -Tam


It feels so great being able to lose writers block on Supernatural World! I feel so lazy without writing, but nothing has sparked my interest lately, so I am sorry for that, but either tonight or tomorrow Chapter Eleven should be out! :D -Tam