this message may be offensive
I hate myself. I hate my brother. I hate my family. I'm not close with my parents at all because of the stupid little bitch. All he does is do the most basic shit and he gets babied. I literally told my mom to stop talking to him like that but she just straight up called me a bitch. I wish I could just go run away and never ever come back to this hell hole. I'd rather die of hypothermia than be at this wretched home. If I ever run away, I hope none of my friends miss me. I'm too sensitive and pathetic to be cared about, I guess. I'm also not feeling my best right now. I get pretty dizzy and light headed when I get up from my bed too fast, and I'm currently sick. I also really really hate how my patents try to annoy me as if we're close. Which we're not because my siblings are way more important. And I hate how they try to poke my in my side. I seriously don't like that and it angers me.