
Hey everyone, Chapter 7 is out with some ideas of what to make a new villain as I'm not sure yet, but I have a few ideas of what to make as a design for my future chapters! Thanks for your patience and support sorry for the laaaaaate updates


Does anyone have any ideas of what to expect when I release chapter 7 named Purple Warnings?
          Let's just say a new villain may rise and cause Lila's downfall and Paris might be in danger and secrets revealed.
          I wonder what may happen or who might be behind that mask


Based on recent events that happened I need to announce this so turns out I accidentally linked my sister's phone to my Wattpad account cause I tapped the wrong email and she's been commenting using my account so I am just gonna say she might have replied to one of yalls comments instead of me 
          I'm gonna fix this as soon as possible but since she's under the age of 10... it might take a bit-