
Merry Christmas to all fellow Wattpadders!! 


Hello Author @Cheetahx2, hope it reaches you I really love your fanfic. I want to request that if possible can I get permission to use your fanfic for my YouTube video. I'll give all the credits as you want just let me know if you have any conditions. This is the link to my channel you can checkout if you wanna know more. I really hope for positive response. Also just wanna inform you that my channel is monetize, so if you are not comfortable with that do let me know.


Hello! I hope you're doing great. I'm the creator behind the Greenbean Fiction & Fanfic Fanatics YouTube channel, where I share "what-if" fanfiction stories set in the My Hero Academia universe, primarily centered around the character Deku. I wanted to reach out because I would love to feature your story on my channel in an audio format, making it accessible to a wider audience, including those who may not typically read fanfiction but enjoy engaging with stories on YouTube. If you agree, I’ll ensure you receive full credit, with links to your original work in both the video itself and the description. Thank you very much for considering this request—I’m excited at the possibility of sharing your story with my audience and look forward to your response.


Hey reohataka how many is the of mha highschool dxd going to be in the story 
          P.s. I want izuku midoriya to fight prime all for one and show the world that any can defeat someone with alot of power by their actions


Hey reohataka two questions one will izuku midoriya hate the hpsc for making the world in darkness for his life second will meet doctor ujko seeing what has done to victims as nomu in the story of mha highschool dxd


Hey reohataka in the story of mha highschool dxd story when Sona find out about katsuki bakugo old school of aldera but she finds out that aldera involved with meta liberation army then tell rias also izuku heard that aldera was involved meta liberation army will he be mad in the story


Brother with all due respect 
            Wait for the chapter then you’ll get your answer 
            Writing isn’t easy and people get blocks sometimes 


Hey reohataka in the story of mha highschool DXD story when u.a finds out about katsuki bakugo past in school will they regret for choosing him for u.a sports festival speech


@Kirbyishere123 what do you mean tator should have back rounds checks in their students to make what they should do in the school


Bro don’t spam them 
            Pay respect to them they’re the one’s writing not you so quit acting like dictator 
            Minus the tator 


Hey reohataka two questions for the mha highschool DXD story one will u.a find out about katsuki bakugo secret of what he did in his old school with the help of Sona two will u.a. ask izuku midoriya to fight with them in the battle against all for one


P.s. is izuku midoriya still mad at death arms and kamui woods for slime villains incident


P.s. I my answer for the second question that I give for me it be no izuku will not help them with fighting against all for one army but he only protects his love ones not the heroes