
The scene point is finished! Everyone praise whatever you praise, I FINALLY finished the scene which has been named "Vampires in a van". It was intended to be one scene, but somehow spread itself into 4 chapters. It's done! And now I can move on to the final ten scenes of the Teeth series. Let's hope they stay their correct size, yes?


The scene point is finished! Everyone praise whatever you praise, I FINALLY finished the scene which has been named "Vampires in a van". It was intended to be one scene, but somehow spread itself into 4 chapters. It's done! And now I can move on to the final ten scenes of the Teeth series. Let's hope they stay their correct size, yes?


Happy Friday, Watt-padewans. I hope you are all looking forwards to the weekend. 
          I'm putting out a notice of my summer holiday, we seems to have started last week. Writing isn't going very well for me at the moment, and the next few weeks are going to be insanely busy. 
          I'm hoping to be back by the middle of August.
          Have a stupendous summer. Or, to you south of the Equator people, a wonderful winter. 


To all following Blood, please accept my apologies for missing Friday's chapter date. The Easter Weekend threw me off. I will be getting last week's chapter posted as soon as possible, and will be back on track for a new chapter this friday as well. 
          In the meantime, I am looking for reviewers for the rest of the series. If you're interested in getting free eBooks of Teeth and Meat, send me a message!


Put Friday in your diaries, people, for the Teeth series is back! First, with August's tale from the 'Turn: 3 Short Sirings' stories, and then, I'll be starting to post 'Blood', the 3rd book in the series. 
          Are you ready to take a bite? 
          Also, if you are interesting in official review copies of these books, please contact me via message here. I have official ebook copies to give out to interested parties.


After a long break from writing, I'm getting back into planning Blood, the third instalment of the TEETH series. I had a great idea last night, and it seems to have kick-started my imagination into overdrive. I'll hopefully start writing by the end of the month, so you'll have new exciting chapters to take a bite of.


Hi Chele – sorry I didn't get to say hi at yesterdays #WPLonCon15 – it all went by way too fast. I really found your input on the Indie panel useful. HAPPY SUNDAY:)


@francisxyzk hi! I know what you mean. I was sure I'd just gotten there when it finished. Loved your panel too. They were all fantastic. Hopefully we can say hi at the next one. Happy Sunday.


Tomorrow is the day! The final chapter of Meat, the second instalment of the TEETH series, will be going up! I'll be taking a couple of months off to edit and publish Meat, and then I'll start on the third instalment: Blood!