this message may be offensive
Recently my friend motivated me too watch a video by MICHAEL JACKSON. The song itself, may me realize how indifferent the word is about whats happening around us and the fact the WE THE PEOPLE!! Are ignoring it. Well is true people have their own problems to solve. But still if you witness someone in need, HELP THEM. YOU MAY THINK THAT GIVING THEM A DOLLAR MAY NOT HELP THEM MAYBE IT WILL. *I SHOULD SHOW AN EXAMPLE I SHOULD START DOING THAT. *
What if you were the person?
How would you feel? Thankfully I never been through war or destruction but I FEEL HORRIBLE FOR THOSE KIDS THAT ARE SUFFERING THROUGH WAR ,THAT THE DIDN'T EVEN BEGAN. They should be allowed to live a normal life to have and education, a life that is worth fighting for. AND PLEASE STOP RACISM I consider my self an atheist but I like to believe that we are in this GOD DAMN WORLD for a reason. IS NOT FOR FIGHTING/BULLYING/DISCRIMINATE. Why IS THERE SO MUCH HATE? WE HAVE THE SAME SHIT WE ALL HAVE A REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM ETC THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE JUST A COLOR. IT DOESN'T DEFINE WHO YOU ARE. GET TO KNOW THEM , PLEASE YOU WONT REGRET IT !!!!!!!WHY WHY WHY. SCIENTIFICALLY WE ARE ALL BLACK BC WE ALL ORIGINATED FROM AFRICA. SO PLEASE WHITE PEOPLE WHATEVER YOU WANNA CALL YOURSELF STOP IT BC YOU ARE LOOSING WE ARE WINNING BC WE ARE UNITING AND BECOMING STRONGER EVERY DAY. AND YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN MANY PEOPLE UNITE AND FIGHT FOR JUSTICE. YOU GO DOWN !!!!!! another topic that has been navigating through my head is that we are not doing anything to prevent our world from becoming a disaster. I seriously think 2016 is going to be the end of the world. There has been so many tragedies that we weren't able to prevent. I believe this ISLAND (whole world) has Power.