
Surprise update! I will be releasing a fan fiction based on my Ace of Wands one shot series! It will, of course, be Jotaro X Reader, and it will cover parts 3-6! Trigger warnings include themes of sexual assault, graphic depictions of violence, emotional, sexual, and physical abuse, and yandere behavior from DIO. It will be released within the next week, and will be titled Ace of Wands


Hey i was wondering if you'll continue your book ace of wands, i really enjoyed reading that but I can see there were no updates for almost a year, so if you can then please do tell us if you'll continue writing.
          Thank you


Surprise update! I will be releasing a fan fiction based on my Ace of Wands one shot series! It will, of course, be Jotaro X Reader, and it will cover parts 3-6! Trigger warnings include themes of sexual assault, graphic depictions of violence, emotional, sexual, and physical abuse, and yandere behavior from DIO. It will be released within the next week, and will be titled Ace of Wands


The worst part of being in multiple fandoms is getting so many new ideas for fan fictions before I can complete the ones I have. In my drafts I currently have 7 stories each with 3-9 chapters written. 
          Anyways Im writing a Gwaine X female oc story now lol


Suddenly I want to write a httyd oc story witht he cebtral romance being my character and Snotlout. Yes, you read that right: Snotlout. It would run from movie 1 through both tv shows and the last two movies. Anyone interested lol