
Also, keep your eyes peeled! I am about to start writing something else here soon and I pray you love it! I may also be co writing with gamergirl1896 here soon! She's an awesome writer who happens to also be like a sister to me! So I hope you enjoy! We've written together before but I think you'll enjoy this next story we're working on! Have a blessed day/night!


Also, keep your eyes peeled! I am about to start writing something else here soon and I pray you love it! I may also be co writing with gamergirl1896 here soon! She's an awesome writer who happens to also be like a sister to me! So I hope you enjoy! We've written together before but I think you'll enjoy this next story we're working on! Have a blessed day/night!


Hey guys! Sorry I have not been active lately! Been rather busy. And Just a heads up, and I will give reminders later. I will most likely not be all that active on here starting August even more so then normal. I am heading off to Turkey(the country) and won't be back for a long while. But I will do my best to have my friends who also use wattpad to give you guys updates and such!