
I will stop updating all book here. I won't write another new book also. For those who enjoy reading my book, thank you and goodbye.


@CherriFeline  *hands you a box with cookies in it* hope you take care okay?


Just going to said it here. If you don't like any of my book and didn't have anything nice to say about my book either then don't bother reading them. Stop complain if there's smth that you don't like. There's so many fanfic out there that have better writing. So if you are not satisfy with the way i write or the character that i create for the book then move on. I'm trying to improve with the way i'm writing and improve my grammar, and i'm doing this for fun and not smth serious.


And another reason why i decided to put on hold or discontinued on volleyball & kitten is because ppl keep on disrespecting on my book of what i wrote and i've become insecurity because of that. There might be a possibility that I won't be active as much as I would on wattpad but more on other app/website. I want to write for fun. For myself. I wrote fanfic because i want to get away from reality, stress, etc.


PS: english are NOT my first language and not everyone can speak english. So don't be ignorance. Although, i will try my best to improve my grammar and all.


Hello, i'm back and i'm not dead yet- Been gone for too long because of life but! I'm going to put on hold writing Haikyuu as i'm not interesting in writing them anymore and i can't promise whether or not if i will be continue them. I'm sorry. 
          All i can say, if i'm interest in haikyuu again. I might write them. Depending if i'm willing to write it but for now I will be writing a new fanfic which is LMK x male reader. Lately, i've been interest in these fandom. The show was amazing, along with the animation. The character design are quiet nice too!


I'll have to go through hiatus again, as I'm tired as hell and need to take a break from social media.  Don't worry, I'll be coming back. 
          Also, about the kitten and volleyball fanfic. I know I've written old and discontinued on the title. But, that's because I'll re-write everything and the storyline itself is also going to change since I wasn't happy as much. So don't worry, too much. The new book will still have the same name as the old book. Just need to change the storyline completely. 
          And thank you so much for your patient. (◕ᴥ◕) ♡


Its alright just take care of yourself and be safe, ok? Get some rest, eat something, maybe do a little bit of exercise, it doesn’t matter just take care, ok? (Also sorry for replying like an hour later) <3


Bruh, i'm tired. I feel motivated in writing again but I need to finish my school work before I'll be able to continue writing again. T3T


@liberty_frazblair Yeah, I will try my best to stay focus on my school work. Thank you thooo! (;Д;) ♡^▽^♡


@hisaita True, I will try my best to finish my school work even tho I'm suffering lol 


Yea school can be a pain even to smart people so dont worry about that focus on yourself  and school, ok? You should get some rest and stay safe ok? That should be your priority, dont worry about us. <3


Idk why but i'm getting tired & depressed lately, i'm going to start ignoring some of the comment in my book because it isn't healthy for me to read them. 
          I know that some comment are nice but some of them are just painful to read. Because it's feel like they are mocking my book. Idk maybe it's just me. 


I apologize for not updating my books on "Kittens & Volleyball". I've been extremely busy and didn't have a time to finish anything but i'm working on chapter 10, i just need a few break and will continue writing them! 


@M1LKY_SO3A oh no, i didn't delete the book. Just unplubish them for awhile, already publish them back