Going off of my previous announcement, I’m highly considering writing a sequel to Dinglehoppers.
I need to figure out what it would be about, though, because although I would want some of the theme to be about another school play (my current idea is to have Ellie as a Senior help out the Junior’s in their play), I can’t have the entire plot revolve around it like I did in the first book. That would be too repetitive.
Also, I don’t know if I’d be able to do it and have as much fun without writing prompts. I tried finding the original prompts because I know there were a few I substituted and I could use the rest, but I think @northandsouth deleted it.
(if you’re seeing this, would you consider doing another disneyitus writing challenge with new prompts? I would love that so much.)
Would any of you be willing to write new prompts for me? I’m looking for around 25-30 to make the book the same length as the first one. I could always write them myself if I really tried, but somehow I feel that takes away a lot of the fun in writing them out.
I’ll ponder on it for a bit. I could try writing it without prompts, too. But I don’t know, I feel like the prompts give it so much more life.
Let me know what y’all think!