

✨Prepare-se para uma montanha-russa de emoçõe!  Entre no mundo intrigante da fic ABO onde Jungkook, um ômega descolado, se vê em apuros financeiros para cuidar de sua amada mãe. 
          Mas não se engane, esta história vai muito além do comum!  Prepare-se para se apaixonar, rir sem parar e roer as unhas de ansiedade!


Hey there! Thanks for adding my book to your reading list. However, it isn't a 2seok fic so I thought you might wanna know that. Have a good one! 


@Cherrychinq4hope I just took a quick look at your lists and wow you've got quite a lot! I get you. And thanks for looking forward to reading it ^_^


@JEONSKI97  hello I just want to let you know that I am aware it’s not 2seok however I put it there intentionally because the correct ship list is filled up and I couldn’t save it there hence if you see me add it to a different ship list it’s because it’s the only space available for me to save the book to read later. Thank you for telling me and I look forward to reading it. ❤️