
I would love some recommendations so if anyone has any please let me know!!!


@daisy1022 Sorry for posting late... Thank you for the follow! I hope you enjoy my books :) -Taylor
          P.S.-I honestly recommend these: Qualify by @VeraNazarian , Compete by @VeraNazarian , Zoe and the Beast by @MiNsHi , Crescendo by @Sylvador , and @IonaBaird123 's "Willow's Legend". The Boy With The Glass Heart and They call Me Freak by @pandemonium_ goddess , @DarkEmeraldGem 's Letters to a Flower, and @8tracks 's Bacon Porn Is Not Acceptable  while Living a Short In Bel-Air are absolute awesomeness too! You should totally check those out. :) And I can't believe I forgot this- @cityscape is one of the BEST AUTHORS EVAHHHH. I am a huge fan of her books, especially 5:48 and Ante Meridiem. DO ME A FAVOUR AND CHECK THOSE OUT!


@pointeless Thank you so much for recommending my book! I'm so glad you like it! :D


@pointeless it's ok and I will defiantly check out the books you recommended and I will let you know how much I like the books after reading them. and thanks again for the recommendations!!


Thank you for the follow! I followed back, you said people can recommend books to you if you haven't Read 'Chasing Red yet you should it is a great book


@Aiyanna1125  I actually have been reading it and it is an amazing book one of my favorites. Thank you for fallowing back and yes if you have any suggestions at all I will defiantly read them!! Thanks again!!