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Lily's P.O.V. I woke up and felt a shiver run down my spine. The last thing I remember was putting a warm blanket over me. I must have pushed it off during the night. "Morning Sapphire." I waited for a response but all I got was the wind blowing through the trees. "Sapphire? You there?" I tried to get up but something held me down. I looked down to see I'm tied to a chair. "Sapphire, stop playing around and undo the ropes." Nothing. "Please Sapphire! Sapphire?" Where am I? Sapphire's P.O.V. No no no no no no! This can't be happening!! Oh God no! What am I going to do? I have to phone mom and warn her! Please pick up! Please pick up! "Please leave a message after the beep. Beeeeep." No! Agh, what is he going to do to her? I need to call the police. Come on! You're supposed to pick up! "Hello my dear Sapphire. You have two options. One, come with me and your friend might survive along with your parents. Second option, is if you don't... Well, let's just say you'll regret your choice. Remember, if you come with me, you will be able to see your friend and parents. I left a note down in the basement with your first clue. From there, you will be given directions on where to go. Better start fast, you wouldn't want to keep me waiting. I get very... Impatient at times. " "SAPPHIRE HELP ME!!!" "Oh be quiet." "Lily?!? Is that you?" "Come and find out."


Hey Cheshire how's ur spring break so far

Definitely going to use that

Lily's P.O.V. I woke up and felt a shiver run down my spine. The last thing I remember was putting a warm blanket over me. I must have pushed it off during the night. "Morning Sapphire." I waited for a response but all I got was the wind blowing through the trees. "Sapphire? You there?" I tried to get up but something held me down. I looked down to see I'm tied to a chair. "Sapphire, stop playing around and undo the ropes." Nothing. "Please Sapphire! Sapphire?" Where am I? Sapphire's P.O.V. No no no no no no! This can't be happening!! Oh God no! What am I going to do? I have to phone mom and warn her! Please pick up! Please pick up! "Please leave a message after the beep. Beeeeep." No! Agh, what is he going to do to her? I need to call the police. Come on! You're supposed to pick up! "Hello my dear Sapphire. You have two options. One, come with me and your friend might survive along with your parents. Second option, is if you don't... Well, let's just say you'll regret your choice. Remember, if you come with me, you will be able to see your friend and parents. I left a note down in the basement with your first clue. From there, you will be given directions on where to go. Better start fast, you wouldn't want to keep me waiting. I get very... Impatient at times. " "SAPPHIRE HELP ME!!!" "Oh be quiet." "Lily?!? Is that you?" "Come and find out."

Lily's pov I woke up because I felt a shiver run down my spin and the last thing I remember is putting a warm blanket over me. I must have pushed it off. "Morning Sapphire." I waited for a response but only got the wind blowing through the trees "Sapphire? You there?" I tried to get up but couldn't. I look down to see I am tied to a chair. "Sapphire stop playing around and undo the ropes." Nothing "Please Sapphire. Sapphire?" Where am I? Sapphires pov No no no no no no no this can't be happening. Oh god. No. What am I going to do. I have to phone mom and tell her. Please pick up please pick up "Please leave a message after the tone. Beep." No. Agh. What is he going to do to her? I need to call the police. Come on you should pick up. "Hello my dear Sapphire. If you come with me your dear friend might survive. Oh yah and I also will have your parents if you don't come in the next 24 hours. If not then I will slowly torture them to death. Your choice. Come with me and you will be able to see your friend and parents. I left a note down in the basement for your first clue. From there you will be given directions of where to go. Better do it fast because the time starts now. SAPPHIRE HELP ME!!!! Oh be quiet. "Lily is that you." "Come and find us." •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sorry for the short chapter. Love you guys

And I'll try:)

Which book?

When r u going to update