Heya, Jessica!
Welcome to Wattpad - it's so wonderful of you to join us, upload a book (a thriller @ that!) and save books to your library- all in a single breath! :D
You can dedicate each one of your chapters to your special friends (they don't have to be a wattpadder to get a dedication) http://support.wattpad.com/entries/20970986-how-to-dedicate-a-story-to-someone
Also, you may also want to do a seconadary genre- Action? At least, the summary indicated that!
Visit the wattpad clubs - under the Community heading. Mingle with other wattpadders, join discussions or add your own.
Writers are invited to promote their stories in the Sharew Your Story club - http://www.wattpad.com/club/38-share-your-story
Also, another tip - upload a chapter every few days. Each new upload gets featured in the What's New section - as well as under the heading of Newness!
If I can be of furhter assistance to you, REPLY to this to tag a msg to me or Click my Pic to post on my board!