"Do you remember the day they came?" He asked, scuffing his boot in the dirt. "The great golden streaks that shot across the sky? How everyone came out of there houses and stared at the sky?"
She looked up at him, her eyes glancing over his features. He was lost looking, just like everyone else she came across. Lost, in a world they called home where nothing was the same.
"I do. I stopped my car and got out, watched as they fell. One landed next to me, maybe ten feet away. I was expecting a huge crash, fire and probably death but it never came. Like an idiot, I went closer, looking for this clump of space rock." His hands clenched on the railing. Though she couldn't see his eyes, she felt his energy and it was a saddening mixture of fear and hate.
"Instead, this ethereal being walked out. All silver and gold. They were what everyone thought the gods should look like." A chuckle escaped, though it had no joy behind it. "How wrong we were and blind."
The woman looked down at her own hands, the shimmer that occupied the flexing movements. She never knew who she was, but everytime she saw one of those beings, they looked familiar.
"I think I'm one of them." She whispered, mortified. The female had seen what the beings had done to humans. They were hateful people, set to controlling the earth and the people in it. Why she didn't agree or remember being with them, she didn't know.
"Excuse me?" He laughed, turning to look at her. "You think you're one of them?" It took less than a minute for him to take in her expression.
His turned, a sneer crawling over his lips. His eyes grazed over her skin, looking at the shimmer in the sun. The male tensed, eyes growing cold.
"Please, I don't know why they are doing this or where we're from. I don't know who I am." She cried out, wishing to go back to before. Before she had said anything. Still, the woman held her stance, head leveled to stare at his.