
this message may be offensive
I fucking knew I should have stayed off Wattpad today.


this message may be offensive
@Chessie13 fucking factual xD today has been toxic af


this message may be offensive
Not to bring politics or anything into Wattpad, but
          Why can't y'all just ignore that shit when you're on here instead of hating people for liking a certain candidate?


this message may be offensive
@Chessie13 | he locked kids in cages only because they were from a different fucking country... he raped women just cause he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants... he’s also a white supremacist... if you support him, you also support rape culture, white supremacy and sexism 
            do better 


@Chessie13 you're welcome and I agree its like crazy for people to do that. I mean like people should keep it private I understand telling people to like vote and that's fine but ya know like keep whoever u voted to yourself that's all


            Exactly! I took a side, but I'm not blaring about it or telling people to unfollow me if they chose different. That is THEIR choice after all. Why should I hate on it? I shouldn't! There is NO reason to hate on an individual for choosing something you did not. Thank you for understanding, dear!


I got into a discussion with someone on Pinterest and made a badass quote along the way. It started with, "Don't just step out of the box, break it." Which then led to. "Break the box and use the wood to light your fire."


Perhaps she deserved this, deserved to be left to rot in the dungeons, ready to be hung at any whim. Battered and bruised and left to fester like some open wound.
          She should not have lost her temper. A single swing, she may have received a lashing. The second, perhaps a more brutal lashing. Each and everyone after that.
          She deserved this. Though her conscious would be clear to the rope. They had no right to take her things and yet they had. Like someone of rank, she had lashed out. Then, felt every pedastal she built under her crumble as she was thrown to the ashes.
          "Prisoner, mind yourself, les the rope hangs you before dawn." The guard called as the door creaked open. She did not move, her hand over her face as the other curled into the chain. 
          The quiet thumping of bootsteps did not stir any reaction in her. "Be done or be on your way. I will not be harrased before I am hung." She bit out, trying to sound fierce, but sounding only like a cold winter wind.
          One hand, warm with callouses from riding or swordplay grabbed hers and pulled it away. She kept her eyes closed, no point in watching something she could not change. Beside, the torch cast no light down here other than on her grave.
          The male's other hand reached across her face and gently traced healing bruises and scratches. She almost flinched, the touch felt so invasive and intimate. He took his sweet time before cupping the side of her face.
          "My dear, you've hidden your face for so long, why be afraid now?" She knew that voice.
          That voice belonged to the king, the man who had courting her. The man who believed her to be more than a common maid.
          "My lord, I hide it in fear of what you see in the truth." Her voice broke and she dared to open her eyes.
          Staring back at her was a mere reflection of her own feelings.
          "I see the same I always have: You."


"Do you remember the day they came?" He asked, scuffing his boot in the dirt. "The great golden streaks that shot across the sky? How everyone came out of there houses and stared at the sky?"
          She looked up at him, her eyes glancing over his features. He was lost looking, just like everyone else she came across. Lost, in a world they called home where nothing was the same. 
          "I do. I stopped my car and got out, watched as they fell. One landed next to me, maybe ten feet away. I was expecting a huge crash, fire and probably death but it never came. Like an idiot, I went closer, looking for this clump of space rock." His hands clenched on the railing. Though she couldn't see his eyes, she felt his energy and it was a saddening mixture of fear and hate.
          "Instead, this ethereal being walked out. All silver and gold. They were what everyone thought the gods should look like." A chuckle escaped, though it had no joy behind it. "How wrong we were and blind."
          The woman looked down at her own hands, the shimmer that occupied the flexing movements. She never knew who she was, but everytime she saw one of those beings, they looked familiar. 
          "I think I'm one of them." She whispered, mortified. The female had seen what the beings had done to humans. They were hateful people, set to controlling the earth and the people in it. Why she didn't agree or remember being with them, she didn't know.
          "Excuse me?" He laughed, turning to look at her. "You think you're one of them?" It took less than a minute for him to take in her expression. 
          His turned, a sneer crawling over his lips.  His eyes grazed over her skin, looking at the shimmer in the sun. The male tensed, eyes growing cold. 
          "Please, I don't know why they are doing this or where we're from. I don't know who I am." She cried out, wishing to go back to before. Before she had said anything. Still, the woman held her stance, head leveled to stare at his.


            I accidentally forgot to add the rest.
            "Oh, I'm sure, you forget who you are? That would fit well with a spy. However, it would be dumb of you to point this out now." He stepped closer, hands gently circling her wrists. "So why say anything?"
            She stared up at him, knowing he was angry but she could sense the conflicting emotion inside, something akin to hope. "I trust you, I can only hope you trust me."