CHESTER BURTON "CHEESEBURGER" BROWN is the cybernym of a compulsive storyteller and pulp science-fiction wallah based near the North Pole.

He is the author of dozens of novellas and short stories, as well as a regular correspondent for Wetmachine and Footprints. Cheeseburger Brown's first full-length novel is Simon of Space (Ephemera Bound, 2008), published in a hardcover limited edition but now available completely free to read on the Web or via multiple e-reader formats, including Kindle, or in a softcover print edition. Mr. Brown's stories have also appeared in Cosmos magazine, Stupefying Stories, and AE: The Canadian Science-Fiction Review.

Mr. Brown's short story Last Words was recently named a notable story of 2011 in the storySouth Million Writers Awards.
  • Canada
  • JoinedNovember 26, 2012