
Can yall give me some good non corny or cringe tv shows or movies for teens and young adults


House MD is on Amazon prime too


this message may be offensive
@Chesterlover16 house MD is a show about a slightly deranged and vicodin addicted doctor who finds the weirdest methods to diagnose the MOST COMMON SHIT ON EARTH


Can yall give me some good non corny or cringe tv shows or movies for teens and young adults


House MD is on Amazon prime too


this message may be offensive
@Chesterlover16 house MD is a show about a slightly deranged and vicodin addicted doctor who finds the weirdest methods to diagnose the MOST COMMON SHIT ON EARTH


Hey guys so I’ve been trying to find a way that would help me want to write (for example the schedule I set up) and I can’t. I really want to be consistent for yall but writing is not something that is prominent in my life. I have other priorities and those are more important to me. I do like writing but not as much as my other hobies and I want to do more of those hobbies so I won’t be leaving or anything like that but I will no longer be having a schedule and I will no longer be posting often. I will write when I have to urge to and that’s it because otherwise it because more of a thing I have to do instead of a thing I want to do. I know most people write on here because they want to one day become a writer but that’s not me. It was just something I decided to try and found that it was fun. But that’s fun is dwindling and again I want this to be something that I want to do. Having a schedule has also caused more stress for me. I probably will only be posting around once a month maybe less and I would appreciate it if people stop nagging for new parts. To be bluntly real I do this for me not for people who like my writing. I appreciate yall and love that you like my stories but yall are not my priority tbh. I’ve found that it’s become more of a thing for yall than a thing for me. That is why I am doing this. I hope you guys understand and I do love you I just need to make sure that I’m doing this for me and not for others at my own expense. 




@Chesterlover16 ok i am late but needed in this situation where i'm repeating myself. we know, writing is not easy nor the most fun part about litterature and if you stop for a while it's fine everybody loves you. and we want you to do what makes you happy(except if it's getting drunk or high, not without me) have fun enjoy life, we love you, you write when you have a wanting to and/or when an idea pops up in your head, you could even write about the other hobbies you  have and try to turn them in a romance, just have fun. YOU DO YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍


Hey yall I had something happen that was quite traumatic within the past few days and I need a couple days or more to process. I’ll let you know if I’m coming back soon and I’m hoping I’ll be back soon enough to stay on posting schedule but if not this is why. I really need some time to clear my head and heal and I hope you understand that. 


@Chesterlover16 i'm sorry i'm late but take your time and i repeat we are all here for you, we love you. if you wanna talk go ahead if not it's all right, healing is a priority i love you, take your time heal, rest


It’s okay, take your time love, stay strong! ❤️


@Chesterlover16 it's okay to not be okay for a while, take your time and don't stress x


how do you get so many people to read your stories ? i js finished writing mine


It also comes in waves I’ll have a really slow month and then an insane month


It just kinda happens tbh


this message may be offensive
I’m posting early today yall. New part to from fighting to flirting and fucking out in 5 min


@Chesterlover16 FINALLYYYYYY (i read it in minutes ) 


Chapter 23 of I can’t live without him is now posted!!! Yayyyy ahhhh! Please vote and follow if you like my writing and stories. I love you all so much and thanks so so so much for everything. I can’t wait for this new era. Again I love you all so very much. Mwah 


Yall im on my period and I feel like a hippopotamus 


@Chesterlover16  *virtual hug* love you have a great day my queen


Love you ❤️