
Hey, y'all! My new short story (written in the form of a journal/diary), Pulse, is out! There will only be 11 short entries for it too! It serves as a side story to Diamondback, but is meant to be read after the first book due to spoilers. I really hope y'all enjoy it 'cause writing in Toni's POV has become one of my favorite things recently. So if you're interested in learning more about the Gotō family household, come on down and give Pulse a read! 
          	Also! An identity of one of the new characters in Diamondback's epilogue is subtly revealed here too tee hee. Do you think you can piece it together? ;)


Hey, y'all! My new short story (written in the form of a journal/diary), Pulse, is out! There will only be 11 short entries for it too! It serves as a side story to Diamondback, but is meant to be read after the first book due to spoilers. I really hope y'all enjoy it 'cause writing in Toni's POV has become one of my favorite things recently. So if you're interested in learning more about the Gotō family household, come on down and give Pulse a read! 
          Also! An identity of one of the new characters in Diamondback's epilogue is subtly revealed here too tee hee. Do you think you can piece it together? ;)


I wanted to read 'Pulse' so bad but its mature QwQ


@Pen_Paper_and_Punya Oh, no problem! After Pulse is done, I’ll be working on a comedy book series that shouldn’t be rated mature at all! :)


@ChewyTheChupacabra Um...I'm not comfortable *awkwardly smiles*
            But are there any other under 18 books of yours that you would recommend?


So uhhhh, how would y'all feel if I said a somewhat sequel-ish side story of Diamondback is coming soon? Soon as in, like, right now? ;)


@TaliaRivers Thank you so much! And I hope you enjoy it! Pulse will be a short 12-ish (?) chapter personal journal that follows Toni, Oliver's older brother, but I can promise you that the next short story will be a full explanation on Miss Eliza that should be coming very soon as well  ;)


@ChewyTheChupacnabra not sure why you're asking but I can't wait to find out more about that ghost girl spirit guide. Whatever she is.


Hello, I was your reviewer from Rose Gold Community. I don't know if you remember me but I came back to check on your account today and I must say I really like the current cover of 'Diamondback'. I'm so glad you took my suggestion on changing the cover! 
          All the best <3


Thank you so much!! And I definitely remember you! That same day I got your feedback, I went around searching Google and Canva for better images lol. I’m so glad you like it and thanks again for your help! ❤️❤️


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