
Thnx fo that I would have never guessed to click the done button that was the thing I was the most confused bout but not anymore guans to ur genouse lol thnx ur a huge help ttly


thnx so much for the help on the book umm i only haveone page so far bu if people dont like it i dont wanna righ any more so im leavin it up to them to decise so pla read it and vote and comennt plz thnx
                                                                                                       ur homegurl Chey, lots of love see ya lata <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Kool 2 of my bffs are named Cheyenne to u wanna hear something funnie when I was making my account I spelled my name then instead of cheyenne2015 it wad cheyene2015 u se the defense look one has one n and the other has two any way lol im goonna read ur stories and I'm sure I love them so send me a mesage and I'll comment so u know it was me and I read it