
@LithyHungary That's cool! Sorry, just now saw this message. LOl. Daniel and I are over and he hates me now for no apparent reason... go figure lol. Annie went goooood and now im out of school and my bday is in exactly 2 months! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! lol but now im kinda talking to this other boy but hes going to college next year in another state :/ so that sucks. Whats new with you honey?? :)


@LithyHungary That's cool! Sorry, just now saw this message. LOl. Daniel and I are over and he hates me now for no apparent reason... go figure lol. Annie went goooood and now im out of school and my bday is in exactly 2 months! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! lol but now im kinda talking to this other boy but hes going to college next year in another state :/ so that sucks. Whats new with you honey?? :)


          That is so cute ~! ^^=) I wish you luck~ 
          My life in a happy little nutshell? 
          Kay, first off.. Tons of homework ~ I have this really awesome friend named Zachary who is well.. Amazing.. My grades are pretty good and I got a superiour rating for tenor saxophone at festival ~ First chair(which rocks) all year~ over this stupid boy named Richard~ 


@LithyHungary yeah I have! I got a boyfriend :) his name is Daniel and he is perfect because we've been Best friends forever and then we just started dating!! :))) Also soccer started so im having fun with that, and then were doing Annie for our spring mussical and im Duffy and i have two solos and yeah im so excited its next friday!! AAAHHHHHH! :) Wby??