I really want to work on the book I’ve been writing… but whenever I say “today I’ll work on it for sure!”.. I just… lose all motivation to do so and it’s pissing me off. If anyone is reading this do you have any ideas for me to stop this from happening, or at the least alleviate it so I can finally work on the book?
I really want to work on the book I’ve been writing… but whenever I say “today I’ll work on it for sure!”.. I just… lose all motivation to do so and it’s pissing me off. If anyone is reading this do you have any ideas for me to stop this from happening, or at the least alleviate it so I can finally work on the book?
@Chibi-Prise Procrastinating is just you doing nothing when you technically doing something by procrastinating but you are doing nothing but still doing something by procrastinating.
You are not procrastinating, you're overstimulated. If you can't get it done get it done when you don't like it.
I’m still procrastinating if I wasn’t, I probably could’ve posted like four chapters with how much free time I have, all with like 12000 words each. lol