
Hey, Chibis! 
          	I've come from my deepest, darkest slumber to inform you that I have been striving for someone who can put together a little "book cover magic" and I decided that no one was better to reach out to than the very people who have read my book. Keep in mind, my plot does not and will not only revolve around the Wonderland aspect-- There will be many more adventures to come! 
          	Anyhoo, without further ado, if you are interested in putting in the vibes you got from my story into a cover, I would be more than pleased to hear from you! 
          	-Chibibaka-chan out! :3


Thanks for the vote! Appreciate it :)!


@Rinkou Thank you so much! I'm really happy to bear that, thanks for giving my book a chance :DD!!


@Rinkou No problem. I give my votes to the books that deserve them ;)


Hey, Chibis! 
          I've come from my deepest, darkest slumber to inform you that I have been striving for someone who can put together a little "book cover magic" and I decided that no one was better to reach out to than the very people who have read my book. Keep in mind, my plot does not and will not only revolve around the Wonderland aspect-- There will be many more adventures to come! 
          Anyhoo, without further ado, if you are interested in putting in the vibes you got from my story into a cover, I would be more than pleased to hear from you! 
          -Chibibaka-chan out! :3


Hello chibis!! 
          Long time no read, huh? I'm sorry °=° but I have some nice news! Chapter 11 of Beyond the Boundary has been released!! Yayaayayy! Curse my procrastination. 
          Well, I hope you guys enjoy it and comment about what you think happened or who was involved ;* 
          -chibibaka-chan out! :3 


Heeeeellloooooooo Chibis!!!! Your favorite pretty little psycho is back! Now, before you start throwing knives and tie me to a stake, let me just say I love you all? Mercy, please? Next chapter coming real soon?
          That last one got your attention, huh? So, first thing's first: I'm the realest-- Nope, seriously though, the next chapter will be up in about a day or two. I have had some MAJOR setbacks *cough cough* writer's block *cough cough* exams... Feel free to ask me why the hell I've been so late >.< I've got nothing better to do. Oh, wait :P I gotta finish the chapter. 
          Second matter at hand: I am currently doing some serious editing on my first three chapters or so. I won't say that the entire plot will be changed; Just how things go down at first. 
          Alright, chibi minions of mine! I'll run away now before yiu start throwing tomatoes and chant for my death ;* Chibibaka-chan out! :3


Hey chibis! Its me again! I'm really sorry I haven't updated in such a long while again but I've been soooo busy with work and exams and stuff. 
          Anyways, I want to announce a new boo I'll be starting to update with @JaxOn0 so everybody check this awesome dude out! The book will still be in the general direction of fantasy and magic and stuff but more epic lol. It will be out around the... 18th of June? Again, due to my packed schedule, I will be very busy :/ 
          Anywho, please do visit his profile and be patient with the upcoming updates. I promise they will knock your socks off B-)  I'm a little under halfway through my current chapter because there is too much information to sort through right now and my brain has already melted due to overwhelming assignments and such. Well, Thats all for now. 
          -Chibibaka-chan out :3 


Hey Chibis, 
          I wanted to notify you all that I am aware of my slow progress with Beyond the Boundary and that I wanted to apologize. This is due to a lot of stress from upcoming tests at the end of the year and the 10th chapter "We Solemnly Swear We're Up to No Good" will be published in a while. (Its really tiring when I have to write a chapter but I don't make it on time.. Then I procrastinate)
          Thank you for your support and comments and it really really means the world to me! 
          -Chibibaka-chan out :3 


Wanna do a read for read and vote for vote? 


Thank u and no problem, take ur time  :)


@MindtoLife Thank you very much and I hope you enjoy my book :) I'll try to squeeze in as much as I can and I'll PM you about which book I'll read later on. (I swear I'll keep my word ;3 )


Yeah, no problem! Do whatever you are able to and I'll return the favor! Don't worry if it's not a lot, just as much as you can. I'll be sure to check out ur work too. And good luck on your tests!  :)