
I must admit to the people I follow, I've been procrastinating when it comes to finishing my fanfics. The remake of A Love Song has been postponed for so long because it's supposed to take place after the second to last season but I haven't gotten past the middle of the second and don't want to write without knowing all the facts. I most likely will stop posting on this account once I do finally finish A Love Song's remake as I feel nervous knowing people I know irl know this account. I want to explore writing more and will be setting a rule for myself to not start posting chapters until I finished writing all of them. When I finish A Love Song's remake I will make sure to guarantee the quality of each chapter as I plan to include illustrations like the original had but this time of better quality.
          	Regarding my other series, I will most likely discontinue them as one was being co-written and my friend I was writing it with is busy with other things and doesn't write anymore as far as I know. I personally became unsatisfied with the first chapter over time.
          	I know I don't have a lot of followers but after being silent for so long I believed I owed the few who do follow me an explanation considering I promised a remake.
          	I will try and finish A Love Song's remake by the end of the year. I have no excuses for how long I have kept the few of you waiting and you have my sincerest apologies.


I just realized I wrote people I follow instead of people who follow me.... Excuse me while I go die in a hole. ;w;


I must admit to the people I follow, I've been procrastinating when it comes to finishing my fanfics. The remake of A Love Song has been postponed for so long because it's supposed to take place after the second to last season but I haven't gotten past the middle of the second and don't want to write without knowing all the facts. I most likely will stop posting on this account once I do finally finish A Love Song's remake as I feel nervous knowing people I know irl know this account. I want to explore writing more and will be setting a rule for myself to not start posting chapters until I finished writing all of them. When I finish A Love Song's remake I will make sure to guarantee the quality of each chapter as I plan to include illustrations like the original had but this time of better quality.
          Regarding my other series, I will most likely discontinue them as one was being co-written and my friend I was writing it with is busy with other things and doesn't write anymore as far as I know. I personally became unsatisfied with the first chapter over time.
          I know I don't have a lot of followers but after being silent for so long I believed I owed the few who do follow me an explanation considering I promised a remake.
          I will try and finish A Love Song's remake by the end of the year. I have no excuses for how long I have kept the few of you waiting and you have my sincerest apologies.


I just realized I wrote people I follow instead of people who follow me.... Excuse me while I go die in a hole. ;w;


So I uh thought I should put something here, just in case someone looks here for why I put all my stories on hold. The reason is because I want to refresh my memory, of FCBF before I continue. From seasons 1-6 I plan to watch, with my friend so it will take some time before I continue writing them. I will eventually post two original stories as well, so it wont be that I don't post at all just I don't post most of the time unless I have inspiration. It will also take a bit longer to post now, cause my friend is helping me by being my "unofficial editor" for when I don't notice mistakes like the Astral becoming Astra in one chapter of "A Love Song?" eheheh I had been a idiot and stayed up all night then.