
Happy December, Chickies! Hope you are all doing well. Hit me up in the DMs if you know of any potential chick lit/women's fic books that MUST be included in our list.  Completed books only. Grammar and spelling important. Looking for exceptional writing. (Yes, we are a little pickier as time goes on.)


Oh I'm so excited! I think I've finally nailed down my MC from When It Rains! I'm rewriting the first chapter, and it is coming together so much better! Thankfully, I won't have to change very much for the next chapters. Fingers crossed the rest of the book flows onto the page without too much editing needed  :D


Hello ladies. I have a writer's question. How would you describe how your lover smells? I know how mine smells. He is a blue collar worker, and he tends to smell like sunshine and the woods, and sometimes that spicy smoke scent from bonfire. But the character I have in mind a white collar. A college student to be exact, and tends to hang around libraries, coffee shops, and classrooms. How would you describe that in a pleasant way? I imagine he would also wear cologne or body spray.


Just found an answer for this, ladies. An online quiz for our characters personalities can help us figure out the direction to go for that elusive sense of smell.


Hey ladies. Has anyone found any unusual holiday decorations? How about a non-tree Christmas  tree? I did indeed see one. Somebody took fishing line or some other clear thread and made a Christmas tree shape with that. Meanwhile I couldn't stop thinking of all the cats I knew, and my friend just had to say "They better not turn on their fan!"


Aw!  I would love to see that!


@BrittneyDennis I saw that one! I like the ones made out of books.


Happy December, Chickies! Hope you are all doing well. Hit me up in the DMs if you know of any potential chick lit/women's fic books that MUST be included in our list.  Completed books only. Grammar and spelling important. Looking for exceptional writing. (Yes, we are a little pickier as time goes on.)


Hello guys! Good morning from here! I'm just here to check on you all? How are you? How is life going? 
          Well, I'm just stressed up here. Anyways I have a question in you guys write the whole book and then publish it here or keep writing while posting update? Which is better? Do tell. 


@gracemark11 I try to do a bit of both. I write at least half of the book, edit and upload gradually, while I continue writing the rest. 
            I tried this method for the first time this month. 


@ShelleyBurbank I surprised myself too. But at that time I just wanted to keep writing. Though it's a rough draft. But I was happy at that moment. 
            But now I'm just lazy with no concentration. But I really want to complete it too. 


@gracemark11 I could never ever ever write 15K words in a day. I mean, it would be physically impossible for me to do that. I can't even imagine! That's a whole novelette!


Hey all! @AthenaHernz and I sat on a panel about romance writing on The Corner Booth on Sunday (and I gave a shout-out to one of our wonderful "Nesters" @sacredlilac during the Something Sweet section of the show near the end. Want to see Athena and I talking in the "same room?" Here is your chance, lol.


@ShelleyBurbank  Oh I just watched it. It was so good to see you both!


Ohhh thank you!! (I am just catching up on notifications now. You ladies are the best *giant hugs*)


Feeling exhausted. How is everyone?


@gracemark11 I am feeling it too!


I look forward to updating everyone, but right now, hell with it. Soon as this sonic shake my spouse surprised me with settles, I am laying down and taking a nap!


If things go like they did with the flu pandemic, things should look better after February.


Boggle Friday:
          The letters are on a grid. To make a word, the letters have to be touching and you can go up, down, over, diagonal. Write your answers in a comment. And have a GREAT WEEKEND!


If you have some time and want to see me talking "live" on a panel about dealing with writer rejection, check out yesterday's The Corner Booth episode, "Swipe Left." I try to give the honest-to-god truth about my experiences on Wattpad and with writing in general over the past three DECADES. Yes. I'm a seasoned veteran of rejection (and some successes, too!)