ok so this is just a blatant message because i am seeing so much hate on this site, this site is a place for people to express themselves and people should have better things to do than to destroy and ridicule someone else's work. if you don't like how something is written get over it, just because you can actually tell the author that you thought their writing was bad doesn't mean you should. i mean honesty what you're basically doing is telling future J.K.Rowlings (author of harry potter for those who don't know) that their stories suck. i mean yeah we were all pissed when dumbledore died and schtuff but none of us had the balls to write to her and complain, so now you're making up for it. seriously it's just not worth it. wattpad is a place for beautiful and handsome writers to create beautiful and handsome pieces of writing, so let them be and quit being petty f***s and move on just give helpful critiques if it is asked for if not find another place to ruin someone else's day and possible dream. i love you all and i hope you all have lovely days and remember that your work is your own and that no matter what, as long as you feel good about it then that is all that frigging matters xoxox!