Hi everyone! First of all, I want to apologise for my long radio silence. Things have been a bit difficult for me in the last few months and I didn't have enough mental energy to work on my long fic. However, I wanted to let all the readers of “Broken Kalopsia” know that I haven't abandoned the fic. I'm just waiting for things to calm down and for my inspiration to return. Thank so much for the support and the appreciation you keep sending to me and my work. It means a lot to me and I hope I'll be able to repay you all soon with a new chapter! In the meanwhile, stay safe and stay strong!

@AleKawaiix3 Hey, thank you! I'm really touched by your concern and I'm really sorry for having worried you! Yeah, the current situation isn't...ideal, for anyway. I'm fine, physically. It's just my mental health acting up *sigh* but it's nothing too bad, so ministries! Thank you for your love and support, they mean the world to me! I hope I'll be able to come back asap! Also, I hope you're doing okay too in spite of everything <3

@ DaughterOfDarkDawn dude i just so happy that you're okey ;-; i thought something happened to you i mean with all this pandemic thing I just feel so glad, please take care im sure we, readers, can wait for ever for you so take it easy, love you <3