
I came out to my parents a while ago and my mom said she would try to find me a therapist because she says she thinks I'm confused and my parents aren't using the correct pronouns for me(he/they).  I'm not out at school yet so I don't hear anyone using my pronouns but yesterday one of my teachers accidentally called my Alex and it made me really happy.  Alex is not my name or anything close to my name but it made me happy because I usually think of it as a more gender neutral or masculine name.


@The_gay_enderman She confuses me because she just let me get a big trans flag


I came out to my parents a while ago and my mom said she would try to find me a therapist because she says she thinks I'm confused and my parents aren't using the correct pronouns for me(he/they).  I'm not out at school yet so I don't hear anyone using my pronouns but yesterday one of my teachers accidentally called my Alex and it made me really happy.  Alex is not my name or anything close to my name but it made me happy because I usually think of it as a more gender neutral or masculine name.


@The_gay_enderman She confuses me because she just let me get a big trans flag