
          I just wanted to personally thank you for always reading my novel even though I've always been on and off with it! Just wanted you to know that you inspire me to keep writing ❤️❤️ 


            I quite enjoy your books and hope you continue writing! I’m glad to be one of the I hope many that inspire you to continue 


Thanks for adding 'Daughter of Mirkwood' to your reading list! I hope you love it. Don't forget to leave some votes if you do and I'd love to hear what you think in the comments! 
          And if you're interested, I do also have a second Lord of the Rings story from the same series called "Daughter of Rohan". 
          Thanks again, and I’m excited to hear from you!! 
          Happy Reading!


Thank you for leaving some votes on 'DoM'! That'swonderful. I really appreciate it. <3 
            And I just noticed that you added ‘Daughter of Rohan’ to your reading list too! That's awesome! I hope you love it. I'm looking forward to seeing what votes and comments you leave. I'd love to hear what you think!
            Thanks again!
            And enjoy!