
Unfortunately my hiatus is going to continue for the foreseeable future. My grandmother recently passed and I am currently helping in getting her affairs in order.  Not quite sure how long it will take.   I hope to be back and writing soon though. 


Unfortunately my hiatus is going to continue for the foreseeable future. My grandmother recently passed and I am currently helping in getting her affairs in order.  Not quite sure how long it will take.   I hope to be back and writing soon though. 


I will be taking a short hiatus for the holidays usually this time of year isn't very busy for me but some other issues have come up that need my attention unfortunately I am unsure if I will be able to finish Dishonor of Fire in time to enter into the #Theyaredragons competition but oh well!! Theres always next time lol 


Enjoy your holidays! Can’t wait to devour more of the richness of your words! *Ching ching! ✨✍️


Wow ! After a bit of delay the newest chapter in Dishonor of Fire is finally up! I am excited to continue working on this story and to enter it in the #Theyaredragons contest that is finishing by the end of the year !! I better get my butt in gear if I want to finish it :)


@Chiromancy Ooo... I hope I remember to look into that contest one day! love that name. :) Cool


Here I am again, haha, saw you added Arcanae to your "Currently Reading" list. Very glad my archaic writing style didn't turn you away :)


Haha, I'm glad to hear you consider it so fitting! As for the puzzle part, I considered writing the whole book with this mysterious veil around it to allow for the readers to bond more with Cynthia by exploring this newfound realm of magic together. C:
            I'm sure you'll be able to pull a similar style off soon too! :)


@Lyria_White I love your style! It resonates well with the genre and the over-all tone of your story telling :) Like a big puzzle! Hopefully I will eventually pull off a similar style !! :)) Love your work you're doing fantastic :D


Hello hello! Just passing by to thank you for following me! <3


No problemo! I feel thanking someone for following is the least I can do for the support! <3. 
            Hope you'll enjoy my works. :)


@Lyria_White thanks for stopping by!! You're totally welcome thanks for writing and being awesome :))