Hello! Im gonna straight to the confession: i love your characters, love love and love. I want more of them, more of your stories. Its wonderful. Your writing and the world, its fresh and gives nice feels, like a treasured storybook. It is a treasured storybook to me haha. and they aren't cheesy, not in the slightest, so you obviously easily won my heart. Now.. because you said you like constructive criticism, i will try to give you one as a thank you in hope to make you happy, though im a reader mostly, not a writer.. so i might actually not really helpful. but, here goes.. i feel these kids' storyline are a bit rushed towards the end (except faye's), the pace is like fleet fleet and then hop hop hop hop. i think it will be finer if the details and description (or history leak) were added a bit more.. and regarding the wording, sometimes im went around twice at a sentence to catch the idea.. you might want play around with more words beautifully.. sorry if i sound snobby.. but thats what i think might be useful, youre welcome to take or to leave it. ;)) Thanks for the delicious read! Keep up the splendid work! You have secured a purchase of your every book's hardcopy (if you want to publish it in the future overseas it is). Thank you again and keep writing!

@TheKaleyCarter wow, thank you for the sweet reply. glad to please you :)) will be praying and waiting for your life to calm down here. good luck!

@balloonsupintheair Hi! Thanks so much for the message. It was a lovely a surprise after a long day. :) And your right, my pacing needs quite a bit of work. I've also been told to put more details into things as well, so you got me there too. Hopefully, life will calm down soon and I can back to updating regularily. This message took about ten minutes to write out and is probably riddled with spelling mistakes cause I'm running and racing at yhe minute, but I won't get home until tomorrow and wanted to reply to you before then and say thank you!