
My birthday tomorrow I'm so excited, just thought I would say haha 


AHHHHHH thank you so much for all the votes on Trust the Dark!!! I appreciate your support and I'm glad you're enjoying my fanfic ^.^




You're welcome, I'm really enjoying your story xxx 


....... Is this a horse + oncer person I see!?! :D 


She's my only friend In college, so I'm like being careful not to ruin that friendship, like sure why not go to McDonald's everyday just be my friend haha. I'm not friends with the other girls because we have nothing in common I like talking about animals and TV shows such as Ouat (I'm trying to get Vanessa to watch it so we have more to talk about haha) but all they talk about is make up and clothes. I'm only ahead because I don't want to stay behind in summer and I started college late so I went in on extra days to catch up but I started to get ahead of everyone else. Normally I'm only in three days a week so I'm lucky because I get 4 days instead of two for a weekend haha 


Same and yeah I keep telling myself that haha. Yeah my mum loves it there and every year we go she's like "okay this is the last year now" we come back home and she basically books another holiday, she always says  "when we come back from the holiday we aren't going away again so we can get a horse" but as u can imagine she's been putting that off as well and I said "I don't care I'm getting my horse in August" btw I said that before she booked another holiday for September, so it's been a bit delayed again but she promised again it's the last year we go there but I was like I don't care I'm still getting my horse haha. 
            I've been to Disney land once when I did dance because we did a parade and a dance in the park, it was fun but that was also the first time I ever rode because the hotel we went to was like a ranch and they had ponies that kids could ride, and I was just small enough, and around that time I wanted to stop dance and go horse riding, so it was perfect that was there because my mum saw how much I enjoyed riding more, it did take a bit more convincing as well but it worked. 
            I'm not a big fan of but I've been 6 times, I was like 'how did I miss this!!' Yes I hope they do, I'll just get my friend to look after my horse for me. I'm from England so it takes like 8 to 9 hours for us to get to Florida but it will be so worth it. 
            I love riding, I met my friend at a riding school but I had to leave because all the girls where so nasty and I was getting a bit bullied by them and also the riding instructors wasn't helping my riding ability at all so that's why I started to loan and sometimes got lessons at different riding schools. 
            It might take time to perfect but I think you can do it. I'm looking to get an Irish sports horse but I'm not sure yet. 


Woohoo!! Cool!! Im so excited for september now :3 Ooh thats so cool that there were some that could be called Capt. Hook! Well, Heres to waiting! Im sure youll find the right one when the time comes ;) 
            Well, ive been to disney land 11 times... But thats only because we get in for free and I live in Washington state. I wish i could go to disney world tho! 
            OMG. OMG! They have Mr.Golds pawn shop there!?! *dies* I.Just.Died. and I dont even like XD Ahhh! YES they need to have storybrooke there! This is a game changer........... I need to go! Except how to go without my parents will be hard... Hmm.. 
            Oh thats too bad, but at least you both enjoy riding then! :) Personally Id prefer jumping over dressage. But thats funny you guys are opposite! Lol. 
            Aww, Thank you! I hope so... Maybe if I put more effort into it ;) And I hope you find a horse to suit all your jumping and cross country desires :) 
            Haha OMG thats hilarious! Hey - Sometimes friends can be like that LOL I totally understand ;) Wooah Smarty pants! Well in that case Read all you like! :)