
U guys should seriously go check out @jessidickerson1103 she is great!


So it has been addressed to me that I should make a book displaying my art 
          (FYI  I drew my profile pic) but I am worried someone might steel my art or it could be used against me put all over the internet... Yes I know it isn't likely but this is what I want to do for a career so I don't want my future to be affected by someone claiming my work as their own. Sorry, that's a lot of  stuff but I want to know what ya'll think. 
          - Chlotus 
          (^ o ^)


Yes that made a ton of sense and it really helped me thank you


@Chlotus  If you don't feel comfortable with it, don't let others pressure you into doing it. If you originally did not want to do it, then I think you should stick to what you personally think you should do. If you change your mind about it and decide you want to post your art online, that's okay, too. Plus, I agree, you can never trust the internet, so I would advise you either don't post your art online, or post it online, but add a unique signature/watermark so people can't claim it as their own.
            I feel like I'm rambling... did any of that make sense?