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@Hetakelove101 yeah, I understand. Although I do take bullying pretty hard. People need to know where they stand, and I've seen too much shit for one life time. I hate being bullied and I hate seeing others being bullied. Even if it's just crap talk. I personally stand up for myself when being bullied and push back when necessary. But ignore it the rest of the time, but continually push for others. I also try to see things the way they might see them then try and reason with them as to why they might be acting the way they are. But bullies no there is no reasoning with there just being mean and I don't stand for it. And your right if they don't like the free story then they have the right to leave. It's stupid to make a comment about something you don't like, unless there trying to help you get more reader's and you asked for it. But if you didn't they really shouldn't say anything.