
Hey guys~ So I know I told you that I would start editing and revising the story during the summer, but I didn't. And I deeply apologise. Due to some slight personal problems, I couldn't find it in me to do such a thing, and well really...write at all. Which leads to the answer of why I haven't posted the new story I talked about. But after today, I had been inspired by a friend and well... I think it's finally time for me to start writing again. I won't promise anything, but I hope that you guys (my dear followers), could possibly be a little more patient than you already amazingly are. I will write as soon as I can, and hopefully, once I'm ready (which won't be too far away), I'll post it for you to read. I'd like to say thank you, for reading TASM and following me. You guys are all amazing. <3 :)


Hey guys~ So I know I told you that I would start editing and revising the story during the summer, but I didn't. And I deeply apologise. Due to some slight personal problems, I couldn't find it in me to do such a thing, and well really...write at all. Which leads to the answer of why I haven't posted the new story I talked about. But after today, I had been inspired by a friend and well... I think it's finally time for me to start writing again. I won't promise anything, but I hope that you guys (my dear followers), could possibly be a little more patient than you already amazingly are. I will write as soon as I can, and hopefully, once I'm ready (which won't be too far away), I'll post it for you to read. I'd like to say thank you, for reading TASM and following me. You guys are all amazing. <3 :)


@Kia1500 Oh wow... To be honest, I think while writing the epilogue, I had completely forgotten about Alec. Oh my, I'm so sorry. No, he did not die. I had just forgotten to add him in the conclusion! I'll fix that! You were the only one who noticed lol! Anyway thanks for reading! :) I hope you enjoyed it! 


So... As you guys have probably noticed, I haven't written anything in a while. But! It's not because I'm lazy. Actually, it probably is... but still! Me and my best friend have decided to co-write a story! It is on Ms. Literati and it would mean a lot if you guys check it out! I might or might not put it up on Wattpad except re-write my friend's part so that it is solely written by me! :) If the first chapter isn't up already, it will be soon! <3


@janelle6456 Hi! I'm so sorry for replying late... I just saw the message. It might be too late already but I'll still answer your question! I'm sorry but I don't feel comfortable and, I too, don't know how to write smutt and stuff. Perhaps if you know someone else who would be willing to write it? Sorry, again, I hope that it goes well! 


Hello, I just wanted to ask you something, if you could write me some smutt and stuff, for Edward and Jacob. I was writing stuff for them both in Fire and Ice Unite, but I dont know how to exactly write down smutt and stuff, I'm not good at that, and I was wondering if you'd  you know, just write some smutt down, please? But only if you want to. Oh and the new chapter is up for Fire and Ice Untie. Thanks and I hope you had a good day!


I uploaded a new oneshot! I think my writing style had changed, for the better! It was really enjoyable to write! I hope you check it out! Hmm... The title sort of fits in a mysterious and in-between-the-lines sort of way! It's called "Never Alone"! :D