
And my Guardian Angel RP lol


If anyone wants to it’d be great if you could RP in my warrior cats book or Wolf RP (not sure if I’ve published it, I think it’s a WIP but it’ll be finished soon. If not, then please try) and have fun-have a good day!!


@Darkwhisper23 Just saying, the reason I "removed" their characters was because they said they weren't active anymore.


@ChocolateCaramelWolf Hi! I was wondering why you weren’t answering the rp. @ThatLastWolf edited it and more your not in it. You can ask to let Jaywhisker back in. Plz do. I really enjoyed rping with you and I want to continue it. I’m holding off Lightstream having her kits so you can be there. Plz plz plz consider this and have a nice day/night.