
okay but... WHY ARE ENGAGEMENT RINGS SO GODDAMN EXPENSIVE LMAO, ofc it's worth it but let's keep it real that i'm not made out of money ✋✋✋


just had over a half an hour convo with my parents... a couple key takeaways but my FAVE was "when you came out, we love you, we really do... were we hurt? yes, yes we were" soooo now i'm going to bed knowing that i cause my parents a ton of pain for being myself.... love that
          oh and they refuse to call me by my proper name/pronouns because they can't all me anything different than the name that they were given by God to call me... love that too


ummmm.... my government teacher just called the lgbtq+ community "terrorists" because someone wanted to order a cake to celebrate their transition as a trans person.... so um, apparently that's terrorism??????????? i-
          LoVeLy ThInGS HaPPeNinG At My CatHoLiC SchOOL....


@Normanis_bae yeah for that, i'd gladly be expelled lmao...i hope the dude's okay tho with all that anger... i can always find him a therapist :)


@ChocolateChipMuffin7 I'd be expelled and happy I wouldn't mind a little home schooling


@Normanis_bae same here, i wanted to say something but i wouldn't dare because i'm positive i'd be expelled lmao :/