Hello I'm still alive?????? This is an update i guess.
I've been in an out of addiction, self harm, abuse, rape, whatever else, but I'm still here. It's been nearly 3 years since I stopped writing, but my last ever summer break just started so I thought about picking it up again, after all, I'm a bit rusty, but I could manage.
I'm moving out of this house, moving cities, I'm gonna be finally living on my own, I'm starting a full time job and additional training beside it, in accounting which might not be the most fun thing in the world but I'm really good at maths and what can I say: It pays well, not well, but it gives me enough to survive. I found myself in the same position where I was years ago, even though I'm not moving countries, only cities, the same feeling fills my body when I moved countries when I was 12. It was the most difficult experience I had to deal with, but now, I'm more adjusted. I live in a small town currently, and I'm glad I spent my teenage years here. I made a lot of friends and I mean, It's quite sad that i'll 'lose' most of them (okay, we will meet up like once a month but still it's going to be very different) but I need to start a new life. My own life i guess. And I will fight and win on my own. A fight that we all have to do at some point in our lives.
After that I thought I might move to New Zealand and live in a commune. Warm climate, beautiful sights. I would like to save up for about 5 years and move into a commune there once I have enough money lol. Working a 9-5 until 70 would be torture. I want to farm. Live in a big community. Sit by the sea as I sip my morning tea. I want to write whenever I want and wherever I can. I want to make art. I want to write. I believe that this is my purpose. You could suffer all the pain in the world to be who you will never be. I'm a writer and that's all I'll ever be and ever would want to be. I'm happy.