
Hey guys, sorry the update's been late. I've had two deaths in my family in a row, also me and my mom have been sick back to back. I'm still bedridden. Extremely sorry for the delay. I know there's no way I can ask for your patience and support, but life's been real tough since the middle of last year, and it's still continuing. I'm not dropping the stories or anything like that, so don't worry about that. It's taking time, I know, and I'm also really sad about it because I miss writing tremendously, but with so many things going on and me being continuously sick, things are not just working out. I'll try to update as soon as I can, may be even within January if I might. I know a lot of you may be dissapointed in me, I just hope I can convey my sincerest apology and also the fact that the delay is not on my will :( 


Are you okay ? 


@Chocolate_Spidey oh take all the time you need. I've said it before I'll say it again I'd literally wait forever for your stories you got nothing to worry about from here sort out whatever you have to and come back to write I'll be waiting to comment hehe


Hey guys, sorry the update's been late. I've had two deaths in my family in a row, also me and my mom have been sick back to back. I'm still bedridden. Extremely sorry for the delay. I know there's no way I can ask for your patience and support, but life's been real tough since the middle of last year, and it's still continuing. I'm not dropping the stories or anything like that, so don't worry about that. It's taking time, I know, and I'm also really sad about it because I miss writing tremendously, but with so many things going on and me being continuously sick, things are not just working out. I'll try to update as soon as I can, may be even within January if I might. I know a lot of you may be dissapointed in me, I just hope I can convey my sincerest apology and also the fact that the delay is not on my will :( 


Are you okay ? 


@Chocolate_Spidey oh take all the time you need. I've said it before I'll say it again I'd literally wait forever for your stories you got nothing to worry about from here sort out whatever you have to and come back to write I'll be waiting to comment hehe


Hey hi guys, ik I was supposed to update MHBH last week, but something funny but weird happened, I kinda had an issue with my birth certificate, so I was busy dealing with that problem (y'all know how lengthy government processes can be). Will definitely update this week.


Will we get any update honestly ? 


Hey, I've always wanted to know if you write as you feel and post or do you edit it before posting? I mean, look at your's flawless, real. Hella poetic and romantic ❤


@Chocolate_Spidey ty for telling me! ❤


@Darlingsecrets_4 Most of the time I write as I feel and post. But yes, I do pre-writing planning, think about how the plot will progress, note down key points, record dialogues when I imagine them inside my head, and revise multiple times to make sure there's no plot holes.


Another thing I forgot to tell, the spoilers are all part of Mending His Broken Heart, not the next books. Enjoy :)


Heyy …. I don’t wanna put on any pressure but like , I kind off re read the entire book ! Really a lot of times …  kindly update or if not then kindly tell something 


@Chocolate_Spidey hey now already one week is passed.. when r u updating?


Y'all I'm alive. A lot of things happened in my personal life, it has been a whirlwind of surprises I didn't want any part in.
          Anyways, I've finally dealt with my emotional burnout and I'm back with loads of things to write, to make you guys' anxiety radar explode and give myself brain damage with all these twists and turns. And as an apology gift for my absence, I've posted two Mending His Broken Heart spoilers in my book "Coming Soon". Trust me, y'all would really want to check them out. New chapter of MHBH will come in this week, so until then please enjoy the spoilers and information about future books of His Series. 
          Let me know what you guys think about the spoilers in the comments. Love you all <333


When will this happen 


So my prayers are being answered after all this time !’n 


@Chocolate_Spidey thank you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hi guys,
          Wanted to give y'all an update as in why I haven't updated MHBH till now. Truthfully, I don't wanna do anything other than taking some time to invest behind the things I love to do right now. But life doesn't permit that all the time. We go according to life most of them time, not the other way around. Not all aspects of life stay under our control. Things influence us, and we fight for our way against these things that are inevitable. 
          I'm not going to be able to keep everything in open, sorry. But I can say that right now, most of the things going on in my life are not under my control. Even getting the time to do minimal human things is difficult. This is a time when though from outside things may look fine, but on the inside, things are crumbling. I'm holding everything up as much as I can, and up to a certain time, I'll have to keep pushing myself beyond my limit. 
          I'm sorry to say this (because it's a pain for me as much as it is for you), don't expect any update until August. Things may go well after August, or may go downhill, idk, but I'm sure I'll at least have some time for myself then. 
          I love you guys, and I miss you everyday. I miss interacting with you, reading your lovely comments and words of encouragement. Tbh, I need encouragement more now than ever. Please stay healthy and take care, do well in your respective lives. And if you're facing any hurdles rn like me, know that you have the power to fight it. Everyday when you wake up and decide to live, you win. Eventually it'll pass and everything will be better.
          _#Spidey, over and out!!


Please take care of yourself…everything will be fine soon as long as you’re healthy and strong .Best of luck  


@Chocolate_Spidey it's okay to have hard time....the darkness in your life now will be the greatest light in your life. You'll soon get over this 


@Chocolate_Spidey Life will definitely get better. We all have to suffer such times, some sooner while others later. This is a part of being a human I guess. Maybe this is why they(spirituals) call life a test. Random lemons out of nowhere. But you gotta activate your beast mode. Wishing you luck and happiness. 